Thursday, November 29, 2007

I should be feeling happy....

OK so I should be feeling happy right now but IM not....

First off I TOTALLY enjoyed my sister being here!! she was really great and we talked quite a bit in some extreme detail of some events that explain alot in my life.... especially why my father hates me (candice shut up, you know he treats me differently!!) I have already done the therapy thing, and got over my father issues, heck I even have within the past year began to mend me and my father relationship (see I gave him credit) but now with this new information I am disturbed, grateful, and sad all in one... disturbed for what occured the night I was born, Grateful that I finally know the true truth, and sad because it wasted so much time of hate between my sister, my father and I .... but I do feel it puts certain things to rest for me, which makes me at piece... I think I can see the perspective of all parties and know my position on them all ...

ON a happier note.. I MOVED BACK TO MY HOME APT!!! YEAHHhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Im so happy to be back ! I moved on monday and have been hurriedly putting things away to get back to normal... I did notice when I moved i got rid of ALOT OF STUFF!!! so in retrospect it was a blessing to get rid of junk I dont need!! and I have a fresh apartment ... see Im looking at the positive :)

I still dont have my fridge moved back yet though (It should be moved tomorrow) I have the hall pantry, bathroom, and some of the kitchen, some dining room and most of the living room put back together!! only my room and Kyra's to go.. and a few more boxs in the other rooms!! soo yeah my life is coming back to normal!! I just better not get all settled and have to move!! LOL

Business has been doing GREAT :) I have tons of parties booked and all of the parties so far have been really successful, and my team are doing great this month, they have more than $6000 In sales!!! GOOD JOB GIRLS!!!

This weekend Im gonna be going to the city lights parade in cedar :) tradition around unless its snowing!!

and then We'll be going to the forgotten carols :)

if you haven't seen or heard it its FABULOUS!!

I gotta get to bed, I am glad I have been trying to keep my promise of posting a blog a week (I was trying to do it daily)


LOve ya'll


Sunday, November 11, 2007


OK so I havent posted laitly and I feel I need to!

first off I woke up htis morning and Ihave NO VOICE! Ahhhh

Its driving me nuts... as many of you know im a TALKER!... and having no form of communication KILLS ME!! it is very funny to kyra cause I have tried to yell at her this morning and she laughed at me cause I sound like a mouse squeeek squeeek squeeking !! hahah

I had a killer party last night and I needed to follow up with a couple customers and I strained so much that I can feel PAIN in my lungs!! Ahhhhhh OK Ill get off this toppic now LOL

OK solife has been sucking for me laitly.. Ill start at the beginning

No more working at walmart.. im a jobless looser

I am a Grad school reject... what do I do NOW?

I cant pass the social worker test... frustrating!

I get home from a job interview in salt lake and my apartment gets flooded so i had to move out of my apartment for a month or so (might be back this next weekend though :) yeahh.. however I gotta move all my crap AGAIN...*sigh* )

Im feeling a change.....

My biz has been picking up which is great im part because of the great biz I got from the What women want expo.. :) yeahh ....
THEN I had a party on wed that seriously WOW... Ok so I show Up I do the party . it was decently good sales.. but then IM packing up and these ladies are having a spiritual conversation (which normally gives me the "oh jesus *roll-eye*" feeling.. but this was different.. so I listened engaged myself and we sat and talked for HOURS!! then one of the ladies had me take this CD set which is based off a book GO GET IT!! Dr. Wayne W. Dyer "Inspiration your ultimate Calling"

Now ya'll know Im not a churchy churchy girl.... Im usually quite the opposite.. but this is increadible! I seriously sobbed my whole way home listening to it!! Amazing!!
I feel more spiritual at this very moment than I have in a LONG LONG lONG time!!


OK so theres my update

Ill try to keep you posted!

(ohh and the V-blogs should get started soon.. were gettinga new computer that will have a camera built in so I hope it works well for it)



Friday, November 2, 2007

MOVING AGAIN ok well back...

OK so Im keeping my promise to blog so here it goes:)

Well first Im soooooo happy Im gonna be able to move to my old APT this weekend YEAH!!*happy dance* .... I love being in my little corner space .. I cant wait to be back home again :)

Also I have another interview with Workforce services to be an eligibility specialist so Im so excited about it!! I willbe doing a mockinterview with a guy in the employment center to help me review for questions so I can do the VERY VERY best I can! yeahhhhh

so today I need to finish packing (again for the 2nd time) in preperation for moving..

Oh and my sister Kathy is comming to visit for thanksgiving. i havent seen her since Iwas pregnant with Kyra so its been a while :) honestly I dont have much of a connection or friendship with her... she acts too much like she's my mom... well for good reason she's 45!! LOL and her daughter is a couple years younger than me... im more bummed she's not brining Rachel with her Hahaha

OK well I gotta get moving for the day :)

what are you doing for thanksgiving? write it below in the comments :)

see you tomorrow :)
