Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas at moms... well 4 days later LOL :P

So I couldn't make it up to my mom's for Christmas so now that the weather had cleared up i headed down to cedar to see her and have a Quasi Christmas yesterday :)
It was fun, we opened presents and had a feast of snacks ranging from low cal veggi tray, oven baked chicken poppers, baked sweet potato fries to deviled eggs, Sausage meat poppers, and M&M's LOL :P yeah it was kinda fatning.. i think i may have gained back 10 of the 20 lbs I have lost!!!

Speaking of loosing weight I am getting down thanks to my Wii Fit :) and eating like HALF of what I used to :) I am down 20 lbs.. since the beginning of dec. I didn't even fit in 26's very well it was a tight squeeze.. but now I can fit in my 24's again Yeahhhhhh ... so Im proud of myself!!!

back to yesterday's story... my sister and I and our kids went and had lunch, went to go see Bedtime stories .. FUNNY MOVIE!! kind of a chic flick ending though LOL haha.. then we went sledding... it was dangerous that's all I'm saying... haha ... then we came home made our little feast then played "7 card no peeky poker" it was an interesting game to learn to play.. but fun I was the first to loose all their money and my sister cleaned up!!


Kyra's Baptism is on saturday so we are really excited about that.. Ill take some pictures after and post them :)


Mary Ellen

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

let it snow!! let it snow!! let it snow!!!!

OK so its snowing like crazy outside so i wont be making it to my mommy's for Christmas .. SO SAD...
so I'm staying home and enjoying the snow.. Kyra and I will likely be going sledding soon and I think we've watched every Christmas movie available in our in home snow shed LOL :P
2 days till the big day kids :P woo hoo



Monday, December 22, 2008

I hate hateing my father!!


OK ya'll I need to come clean here .. one of the reasons for moving here was to try to repair this awkward wierd stranger thing I have with my father... its never been an outright HATE but just unknowing distrust with me and him.
My sister says he is just kidding around and is rude to everyone but ... DOES THAT MAKE IT OK ?? hell no!!!
This weekend I think I had my final straw.
I was delivering Christmas presents to people and I was taking something to my dads neighbor cause she's a really sweet woman that loves my daughter to pieces. SO I called my step mom to let her know I'd be in the neighborhood. So she invited me to dinner and no sooner than i stepped in their house he went to his room as if to say oh god she's here I'm getting out of here fast. .. I ignored it and thought I'd move on... anyhoo i sat and talked with Sherrie and then dinner was done. Emily their neighbor came over and had dinner with us and oh my he was just out of control rude... I just cant handle him that way. He made very mean hurtful comments about my future profession and it really made me upset and hurt me. His increasing BLATANT disgust with me, his HATE with me, his just total lack of respect of me is really just PISSING ME OFF me.
I have tried every tactic I can to let him know its NOT ok to treat me that way...
Ive tried taking it, laughing it off, ignoring it, walking away, bantering back...
nothing seems to get through to him that its NOT ALRIGHT...
For heavens sake im in school to be a therapist.. a marriage and FAMILY therapist no less.. What kind of a hypocrite am I if I cant even fix my own father issues if people are coming to me for the same problem!!

I digress.. so LAST night was my neces birthday party.
He didn't even say hi to me.. (normally its this awkward hey how you doing, turn and walk away.. but this time just nothing) His wife and I sat down to have a chat My sister was in the room talking to my dad and someone brought up her Christmas present from Tom's Ticket's my dads Ticket business. she works for him occasionally but granted she makes decent money doing it..but hey she does work for him... but seriously why should she get this kick ass bonus present?? oh wait I forgot She is his little precious pet child and it makes me furious!!!
Sherri noticed I was all annoyed and she was like well you need to give him something useful. She sells tickets, my brother is the electronics, and continues on how everyone (or their spouse) has something they are good at that they do for him. This making them important to him...
SO I say rather loudly i admit it , "well All I can provide him is therapy thats all I am good at but apparently its a useless profession." seriously that comment just cuts me to the core!! Anyway after that it just got to me.. he very obviously was being rude and belittling with his petty comments so I eventually just had to leave.

NO ONE else in our family has got the education that I have except for Kathy. And do i get praised... no i get ridiculed for it!!!
It is just so upsetting..
I texted him last night and wrote "you really hurt me today dad... I dont know how to fix us... please help try to fix us." and I heard nothing back. I cried for about 2 hours...
I think after Kyra's Baptism in January I will just cut off contact until he agree's to sit down and chat about what it is he despises about me so much.

This is such a very different family dynamic system here... I just dont understand why there is no Unconditional love... How do you love.. truely love.. with conditions and take take take.. with no recourse no emotion? I just dont know how to express the complete pain he causes me.

Im just so heart broken ...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Im so broken!!!

I am so broken.. Knee shattered, ankle sprained oy.... bed rest
all in the movie



Saturday, December 13, 2008

Waiting for wicked

Ok I have given alot of media coverage of me waiting for wicked.. here is MY video media coverage of the insane line waiting for wicked tickets...
It was fun and we enjoyed it :)
I'm sorry it has taken so long for me to post but I forgot I made the video clips cause of the injury's


Friday, December 12, 2008

WICKED A fridged night!!!

OK so kids while i work on getting an update on the past month im gonna focus on right now ...
Well Utah had a BIG snow on monday.. and I was being a good auntie Mary and was taking the girls snowuits to school and i crashed and burned in the snow and KILLED my right knee.. like sowllen.. no break but really bad owie!! So they put my in an imobilization thinggy so i cant bend my leg at ALL...
So i thought I was fine and I was waiting in line for wicked (#18 in line I might add of THOUSANDS)... and I was having fun singing dancing even my knee just felt better and so I did something stupid and crashed to the ground... Onto this poor guy sleeping I felt really bad but he was so sweet about it :)
any hoo... most of the news stations interviewed me cause lets admit it kids I AM the biggest wicked fan in Utah!! soo anyhoo here are some of the interviews.. im trying to track them all down to get them all.. but heres some of them...
I will add YES im aware my voice sounds like crap and i look like crap ran over eaten and thrown up cause it was 3 AM!!! (I might add right before I biffed it and rolled my ankle!!!).. but strong as i am I STAYED with the severely sprained ankle, unknowing if it was broken or not. to make sure I got my butt GRAND TEAR SEATS to every sunday night show!!! YEahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and I did darn it!!!!

Just something to point out in one of the videos im like leaning in the table wher eI ordered the tickets and I have a funny look on my face its cause my ankle was basically KILLING me at that point cause it was 4 hours after the impact!!!

Have fun watching remember to comment guys :P even if its telling me Im a total dork!!



Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Technical difficulties

Hello everyone.. first off no Im not dead, but many things have happened since last blog. My knee has gotten worse, I had to move, then I have had some computer issues and the computer crashed and was going crazy.. viruses grrrrr...
Anyhoo I will post a video blog later doing the catch up....



Friday, November 7, 2008

Gastric- VS- lapband... My decision

My knee has gotten so bad that I could not walk for 3 days!! so I gimped myself to the Dr's office, and he basically said I over worked my knee out of nowhere, and again the fat me got mentioned.. "loose weight loose weight blah blah blah" I was like Umm duhh dip$hit that"s why im working out to get the weight off!!!

So anyhoo...

we discussed the fact that i need to get the weight off.. SOONER than later..
we agree'd i was doing a great job getting myself started, but my body doesn't know how to understand the sudden exercise and such with such a great weight on the joints. I now have had problems with BOTH knees, and my ankle, my back is suffering, and Its jut not getting better.
So along with my doctor, we agree'd that instead of lap band I will be getting gastric... because health wise i need to get this weight off FASTER than what Lap band will do. and faster than exercise will do.. (even though I will remain working out, my weight is just TOO much for my body to handle just working out with my joints) ...
I know it sounds like a failure.. and a cop out.. but seriously its not...
I went to the Utah weight loss center a few weeks ago to discuss the options,, because I HAVE worked hard, and have seen NO RESULTS... reason.. I fully admit, I am am emotional eater, and my stomach has been so stretched out that I don't even know what full feels like anymore, and to get to feel that feeling again, will really aid in helping me loose the weight!! and curb this over eating/ emotional eating!!

As part of the surgery I do have to maintain workouts and go to a support group once a week, so I am surely not going to be in total left field!!

I hope that you are all supportive of my decision, this however does NOT mean Im dropping exercise all together. I am not...
Unfortunately because of the knee I have been limited to doing my stairs (i live on the 3rd floor) and water exercise, so I have located the Golds Gyms that have pools and plan to go 3 times a week.

OK so new game plan...
but Im still going strong Kids!!

Kisses ...


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Princess competiton

Ok I totally had so much fun dressing up Kyra!! :P
I spent along time working on her dress and her hair, but im glad that she totally enjoyed it!! yeahhh :) we also went throught david archuleta Corn maze, it was way fun too ;P you heard his music through out the maze it was funny.. we played in his hair LOL :P hahaha
Im sorry I totally forgot to post this the other day, but hey better late than never right ?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Save Tracey Aviery and Hogle zoo projects!!

Hey guys and gals :)
First I am so mad at myself for not working on Kyra's dress... i gotta move my tail to get it done...
Poor Glinda... she doesn't feel well.. but its looking like she's feeling better.

I talk about fat content in Cereal cause I was shocked to find out that it was the opposite of what I thought!! Frosted flakes are your friend!! LOL

I also talk about the Prop 1 and prop 2 here in Utah ..
here are the links to learn about the propositions.. there aren't really any opposition, its just up for a vote...
so here are links to more information on them

Prop 1 - Save the Aviary

Tracy Aviary is a jewel unlike almost anything in the nation – right here in Salt Lake County.

* One of only two public aviaries in the entire country
* The only public aviary west of the Mississippi
* The oldest and largest public aviary in the nation

But the Aviary has suffered from decades of under-investment. Despite the Aviary’s best efforts, roofs are leaking and infrastructure is crumbling. Due to these problems and uncertain future funding, the Aviary was denied accreditation from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums in 2006.

Salt Lake County residents have high standards for their public facilities. Proposition 1 will enable the Aviary to re-emerge as a world-class, AZA-accredited facility with a clear path for continued success.

Prop 2- Add to the zoo
The Salt Lake County Council has placed a $33 million bond on the ballot in November. This will cost the average household $0.39/month. The bond will help the Zoo build an Arctic Exhibit with animals like polar bears, seals, and wolves and an African Savanna that could make a home for giraffes, rhinos, and zebras among other things.

thanks so much again
dont forget to comment and all that Jive :)

Kisses and Huggs!!

Mary Ellen

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Marfans disease, Aspergers, and Lab band....

hey guys lots to talk about today. mainly about Marfans disease,
My ongoing Aspergers research, and the fact that I might be getting lap band.

please visit my website:

more on Marfans disease visit

My personal favorite Aspergers autism website

thanks guys subscribe and PLEASE comment :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

First SNOW of the season :)

Howdy ya'll Ü

Kyra and I have been anticipating our favorite day of the year all week :) it its HERE.. Kyra and I LOVE the first snowfall of the season!! we got an amazing 4 inches which is the most perfect depth.. its enough to play in and do snowmen but not enough to get in the way of traffic and such!!
So Kyra and I woke up with the pretty white snow pure as ever!! we went to church and Kyra was a little anxious ants in her pants little one today during Sacrament.. she wanted to get out and play RIGHT NOW.. so once we got home she was allowed to go play :) she kept making these mini snow man the size of your hand it was too cute :)

I cant find my camera ( SO SAD :( :( ) so i had to put it on the V-log...
Also posted on the blog is the Dress Ive been working hard on for Kyra for Halloween :)
She's Gonna be glinda and the Vlog has a step by step of the PAIN in the butt it is.. but well worth the reward :)

What are you gonna be fore Halloween?? Tell me :)
I need better Ideas

Kisses and huggs

Mary Ellen

(remember if the video is not ready give it a couple minutes, I uploaded a higher quality video to show deeper details of the dress :) so it might take longer for it to process :) )

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Hello I was woken up bright and early at 4ish this morning... why ??? Watch the movie... I tried getting video/ pictures of the fireman and fire trucks but it was all black (crap) but I put them in anyway ....

Ironically I had a discussion with my friend JUST YESTERDAY about the fact that I sleep well.. O natural... I thought they did too... they said , oh no what if there's a FIRE? I dont want out run out naked!! I laughed and said... hey if it happened to me I would get dresses and run out...
Well I heard a **ding**ding** at around 4 AM **SLAM **SLAM*** SLAMM***... then firemen yelling loudly "GET UP THERES A FIRE IN THE BUILDING.." I jumped out of bed, went to the door in my blanket, Got Kyra up, got dressed, took my laptop and Kyra's baby pictures(cd's much more compact than the scrap books LOL :P) and took off down the stairs .. half way down I realized I didnt have my phone OR my Camera.. DANG IT!!! they wouldn't let me get it ... I remembered I had Kyra's phone in my car in case I needed it... so I put Glinda in the car (cause there were other dogs and cats out there, and glinda likes to play ... and I let her play... just not at 4 AM!!)put my computer and pictures in the car, and got the phone.. I did get a DECENT picture off that phone but I blocked data transfer ***dohhh***
so anyway...
I gather with the other neighbors and we take account of everyone there, my new neighbor across the hall wasn't there, so I let the Firemen know, he HAD come out just went to his truck... :P
anyhoo were all talking about the smoke then we see the fire truck that WAS on lifts, get taken down and see the hose get put away , we all knew .. they got the fire.. but where?? the curiosity killed the cat and I went up to the fire men (yes they were HOT firemen :) yummy!! ) and asked.. they said .. are you in (this apartment) ?? I said no .. then my neighbor downstairs said.. Ohh that's me.... he said I need to take you upstairs and talk with you... I was like DANG she's in trouble!!! I knew she's a smoker I thought that might have been what it was...
we were let back in the house then I grabbed my camera (took those crappy pictures) and then asked the firemen what it was..

The neighbor had a bunch of plants from the summer that had dried up. and she apparently put a cigarette in the plant, and it went up in flames, I guess it took out a tee shirt too and was about to set the patio a-blaze...
we were able to get back to our houses at 5:30 AM and I of course blogged you guys :P
that brings me up to this very moment...


Mary Ellen

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I'm pissed at them... I have had time to reflect on what they have done... they hurt me, and don't even pretend to care... I am REALLY hurt...
Im not saying what they did but THEY know what they did...
I am not understanding why they think its funny or aim to hurt me!!! I don't care if they thought it was funny.. its NOT FUNNY... its my PAST... keep it in my PAST!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

School Dad's birthday and Family

Ok so I haven't written in days cause Ive been focused on school...
My school hasn't received title 4 funding yet so they are waiting for that so i cant get my loan, cause i cant get my loan I haven't been able to get my BOOK... so I had to cram 10 chapters within 3 days!! OYYYYYYY!!! and I had 4 written assignments and 2 presentations to prepare..

the presentation went fine other than the fact that my power point I made it in was the Vista version of power point and wouldn't load in XP... Uggg....
I spent 4 hours making that incredable powerpoint..

Im actually weird and enjoy doing powerpoint so its not tooo torturing LOL :P

I also went to the Relief society Conference which was really good!! i took my step mom Sherrie ... it was fun getting to know her and see her in a different way :)
After the conference it was my dads birthday so I had dinner with Sherrie and my dad... he was very pleasant and I could see he was purposefully trying to be nice which I greatly appreciated. mabee things with him and I are looking up :) (yeahhhhhh!!!!)

Sunday I went to church, I said the closing prayer in sacrament.. I was very nervous.. I did just fine though :) then I went to my dads for his birthday party...
I have noticed a very odd dynamic among my family, not negative, just different from what I'm used to. I'm still trying to "figure everyone out" sometimes I feel like I'm walking on eggshells though but i assume it will get better as time goes by.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Gawkers...

Ok at my Gym I have noticed we have some "gawkers" ...
You know who I'm talking about .. the old man wearing Jeans sitting on a weight lifting machine he CLEARLY hasn't touched so that he can DROOL at the little skinny girls in their tight workout outfits... The mid 30's guy that looks like a 40 year old virgin in the making. It's really quite funny!! I love watching the men watch the women.. LOL :P
Is it narcissistic of me to be offended that none of the gawkers have gawked me ?? LOL :P heck at least I have BOOBS that are REAL.. :P is it too much to ask to have a guy do a second take of me??
Granted I am MUCH larger than the average "work out girl" but well anyway.. I think im over this rant..
Since I'm talking about my workout success...
I am still going every day :) (Saturday and Sunday I don't go though cause I have Kyra) I weighed myself I am 298.7 .. so I Guess I lost 2 lbs... well considering my phone probably weighs at least a half pound right??
Today at the Cardio Cinema they had Jumanji, i love that movie .. i got all into it.. made me forge ti was working out.. I was on the Elliptical for 30 mins (2 miles) and then walked on the treadmill for 20 mins. I would have kept going but my phone alarm went off cause I had a meeting this morning I forgot about. (and I missed it... CRAP)

anyhoo sorry my blog is kinda random rambling but I really wanted to give you all something to read about today :)

I spent a large portion of yesterday updating a few things on my blog, you can now click on the line above the blog to add me to your browsers favorites list so you can easier come back and see me ;)
you can also add my banner to your website, blog, my-space page etc etc.. if you scroll down on the right it is down there .. tell your friends about me ;)

I need to get working on a presentation I must make about myself for school due on friday :) so Im gonna go get to working on that ..
thanks for reading today :)
dont foget to Save me, favortie me :) and comment on me :)



Monday, September 22, 2008

Get RID of the ARMS instead of bailing the banks!!

Im gonna go political here.. ya'll know I am political, but I honor other peoples opinions so I generally dont discuss it.

What is the government thinking Keeping on bailing out all of the companies???
Coudlnt they BAN ARMS ****and**** FORCE the banks to convert all ARM loans into regular loans??? this would save SO MANY people from losing thier houses! and keep our contry from going AS FAR in the shitter as possible!!!

The problem thats going on right now is that when People got arms they were told hey in 2-3 years when your arm mature refinance and you'll be fine.. well noone can GET a loan right now!! .. Like NO ONE I know can get a loan.... My mother who is 64 and has her house and 2 other houses (investment houses) cannot get a refinance loan and she's gonna be SCREWED... along with the other MILLIONS of people in a similar situation!!

SO I think Im gonna take a stand... and start a petition on my face book and PLEASE PLEASE join.. if enough people Join they cannot ignore the demand right??

I have written the petiotion it is just getting OK'd by the website that clears it... I will post it as soon as it is ready :) (probably later today)

Kisses and huggs

Mary Ellen

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Working out?!?!?! IM 300LBS!!!

OK guys I have has some encouragement laity and can come back to the gym to work out!! so all week i have been re familiarizing myself with the Gym..

I have a membership at Golds and literally its a half block turn and another block.. beyond walking distance to get myself going!! So all this week Ive been taking Kyra to school then going to the gym for an hour or so.. I have been enjoying the different features this gym has over the one in Cedar city!!
First off it is color coded for the idiots!! LOL ;P green is leg machines abs are orange etc etc... I do so enjoy that!! Also they have "cardio cinema" .. there are 2 rooms with about 4 rows of cardio machines (treadmills elliptical bikes)and they are playing a movie while you workout!! so nice!! I have to use the elliptical because of my foot, but I walk a mile on the treadmill.

So this is my routine at the gym...
Cardio Cinema ; Elliptical (15 min mile - 1 mile) then treadmill (15 min mile- 1/2 mile to 1 mile depending on how my knee/ ankle feels)
Weights ... I switch back and fourth on the weighs from arms/abs.. to legs ...

Ive even been eating this all nutritious food and everything.. 1 egg 2 egg whites, canadian bacon (did you know its only 60 calories!! WOW and not alot of fat either!! but mucho proteins!!) I even cleaned cut and prepped a bunch of veggies to keep on hand for snacks which have been cutting my binge lazy eating :)

Anyhoo.. When i started a week ago I was 299.4... Depressingly I re-weighed myself yesterday Im 300.7 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that sucks I have been working this hard to ADD weight..
Yeah yeah yeah.. muscle burns more fat .. blah blah blah...
still the POUNDAGE is annoying...

I have however noticed my pants fitting better :) woo hoo for that :P

Again My cam is still being weird im hoping to get another video up for you all soon enough :0 thanks again for being such loyal readers / viewers :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

No More Time Outs

Hey everyone I am so very Excited.

As many of you know I have been using a new discipline/ reward system For Kyra. I have created I am now calling "No More Time Outs"

Many other parenting programs I have read about/ used are so single focused' and lose vital parts and elements that I feel need to be there...

Time outs don't teach anything... oh wait it teaches them to sit and pout...

Sentences don't teach anything... Oh wait teaches them to Write... IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII in a single like with crosses LOL :P I so cheated by doing that as a kid!!

Being sent to their room when they have a computer, Ipod, PS3 etc.. is NOT punishment.. it just gets them out of your hair!!

and my "favorite" (pet peeve) parenting "skill" is smack their kids to teach them not to hit!! **insert eye roll here**

The problem here is that the kids don't know what to expect by thier parents, and give no true "natural consequence" ... No More Time Outs teaches many values and REQUIRES parent to take an active role in parenting, and the child an ACTIVE role in their life creating great self esteem and pride in their points!!!
I have been using No More Time Outs with my daughter and its been working WONDERFULLY!!!
I have had a handful of people ask to help with their children and to give them my program.. SO I got to thinking ... this would be an amazing program to publish so I visited my Campus President about my program and he is VERY excited to be an adviser to the program and get it up and running for me and more importantly for parents that will need it!! and get it Copyrighted and PUBLISHED!!

I don't want to reveal all of the elements of the program because we are going to try to get it copyrighted and until I do that someone can steal it .. but as preview to the program is that it is a token ecomomy that gives benefit to self accountability to household and personal duties, and gives benefit to self, family, friends and even monetary values... and even behavioral management.
Its very exciting and I am extremely pleased that there is such interest in the program!!!

******happy dance*****

For more information on No More Time Outs Please visit my Website the Phrase "No More Time Outs" is in the process of being copyrighted please don't steal it.

No video today because of the Problems with my program... I am going to try to get it fixed ASAP

Mary Ellen

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Utah state fair

SO sorry everyone this video is not what I normally have (set up sise) cause my STUPID video maker isnt working right!!! Grrrrrrrr.....

Well Please enjoy its only like 40 seconds long...


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Friends? What makes a true friend?

I have had about 10 "real friends" in my life...

I feel a true friend is a person who looks out for your needs and your concerns, and in turn I look out for their needs and their concerns. It is so hard to find a friend who can do that!!

I can name 3 people in my life currently that do that for me...

Shawn Luther

Christi Giles

Stacey Gwin...

These three have stuck with me and are there for me no matter what and they know they can do the same and I will be there for them 150 million percent!!!

This blog has been inspired by Stacey, I meet her 3 years ago in the midst of my divorce to my husband and she has been the most gracious wonderful friend!! She helped me through some hard times, I helped her through some hard times. Its give and take... heres the back story of what inspires me to write this... Her father was on the Island that Ike hit only hour before it hit. Her poor father's car had broken down and it took a miracle from God to fix and she told me the troopers said that had he waited another 10 minutes he wouldn't have been able to pass the bridge and he would have been trapped!!!
She was distraught and upset and I was so honored for her to call ME to vent!! I feel it such a privilege to have my friends trust me so much that they call when they need a shoulder to cry on and someone to find the bright side... I love her and her husband very much and value their friendship beyond comprehension!!

I recently lost a great friend, for those that watch my blog know who I mean, I lost her to a very hard challenge. She called me yesterday and said some hurtful things, it made me sad knowing our friendship was worth what it was!! and to be thrown out like lost garbage... Her friendship being lost is what hurts the most... I have thought about what it means to be a friend... I V-loged it.. I think it means more with the emotion behind it!!

do you agree or disagree with my list??

Ok please post your comments!!!


Mary ellen
OK kids I'm off to the Utah state fair.. I will do a vlog there and post it when I get home!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Yeahhhh... promoting promoting promoting!!

Hey ya'll I have been on over drive promoting the crap out of my new blog :)

please join me by adding my banner :)


I am just so excited to get moving on my dream of having my blog up and running!!!

heres my video for today :)

Tomorrow I am going to the Utah state fair so I will take some video and some pictures to share :)

thanks again all :)

Mary Ellen

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Getting Serious on Blogger

OK guys all of you may notice me transferring my blogs from myspace over here to Blogger... I have 89 blogs!!! I will transfer them all today ... and then blog again... for today :)

Please comment and subscribe Im new to the blogger world :)

Loves ya!!!

Mary Ellen

Monday, September 8, 2008

Technology is NOT my friend today!!!

ok long week again... very active.. I will let you know there is no video today cause I am at the district fighting for Kyra's services at school... the lady I'm supposed to talk to is in a meeting and I'm waiting for her to get out I'm not gonna wait around for a phone call I might get next week my child needs her services NOW!!!

ok so Saturday before last kyra went out to play at around 9 ish and came in the house around noon for lunch when she returned she had chicken pox all down her chest and back!! I rushed her to kids care (like urgent care for kids) and yep sure was...i was like what the heck?? she got the vaccine!! apparently 5% of kids with the vaccine will get chicken pox. upside is it wasn't a terrible bad case but enough to keep her out of school!!! so I called a friend of mine to talk about it and she was in distress of her own kind....

I was very hard to handle at times and she needed me... so I told her since Kyra couldn't go to school anyway I'd be down on a few hours to help her through. we had a court mediation anyway that week that I had to be in cedar for.

*edit* Im home now so I have made a video of the weeks events ...

I am apologizing ahead of time my editing software was being wierd so i couldnt edit how I like to ..

enjoy :)

Mary Ellen

Friday, August 29, 2008 ...WTF??? I crack half way through... stay tuned!!!

OK so I start off this blog singing.. Ok after listening to Natalie Weiss, and Shoshana Bean online I'm like DAMN I stink.. but hey I must be SOMEWHAT good if people ask me to sing right? Im sure they didnt get thier music down in one day right ?

then I talk abut my brother going to China, {plug adams website here} ... Oh wait I need to plug his blog website.. it is ... then I talk about my father situation, go off on my sister.. and umm yeah end really pissed off... After you watch it you might be saying to yourself.. dang Mary HATES her dad, i don't HATE him.. I am very frustrated with him, and bothered by his behavior.. but yes.. at a point in this very video I CRACK!! Like loose my mind for like 3.6 seconds ... I hope you enjoy that part :P


Mary Ellen

Remember don't forget to subscribe and comment :) thanks ya'll ...


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Its not stalking ... is it ???

OK so I'm no stalker but I admit it was fun seeing Arnold at work today .. haha (explained in the blog) plus I texted him and he said i needed to come in so I did LOL :P

Seriously this blog needs to be titled.. the life of a single mom on a dating quest or something hahaha

It's all on the blog ...



***dont forget subscribe and comment!!*****

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wild Mouse rumors... Did someone die?

OK so we have an amazing amuzement park here in utah I have been going to since um.. birth... called lagoon. they have a ride called the wild mouse, as a child everyone said that someone has died on there blah blah blah .. so like rumors go.. i said it too.. wiout proof.. well I did some research and its actually totally false.. I have not let Kyra go on wild mouse since we moved here because of that so we went on for the first time and I was crying like a baby that got beat up!! hahah I'm sure it was all to funny for the 2 teens in front of us though LOL ..

Anyhoo .. i met a guy ..Arnold is this ones name.. he's great well educated and has alot in common with me.. loves politics .. like me.. and we have the same opinions on almost everything political.. which is a huge turn on!! wierd I know .. but its true LOL :P

so any way enjoy the video for today :)


(yes I know again this one is late Im sorrry.. Im posting one for today too ... )

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Court Pre-Trial

Court Pre-Trial

I have court this morning with Sean.... Wish me luck !!.. Like I need it or something!! This is SUCH an open and shut case if the truth is told.. I do believe that truth will set you free!!


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

YEaaahhhh... A successful Move!!!

The move went well, we are mostly all settled in , so We have been having all too much fun at Lagoon :) WOo hoo :)
even today Im up at 12:12 cause I was at lagoon till late!!

Please enjoy Subscribe and comment :)


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Pretty flowers and construction

OK so for once I don't do an entire Vlog all about the move.

The decision to not work and focus on my family and my internship was very hard, but one I had to make, I have to get 3000 internship hours done before the program is finished so I am ok with the financial sacrifice as long as it is for the better good of my daughter.

court.. all I have to say is OY...

Almost ready to roll..

BTW which flowers are which season ?
there is a bell looking flower, rose, tulip and a daffodil... you know??

Message me let me know..

Dont forget to suscribe and comment :)

Mary Ellen

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July WOOoo HOoooo

Ok guys sorry the blog doesn't consist of me talking.. but good news I found my digi-cam so I have had it ready and handy this week :) so lots of pictures to share with you,
We did alot this week,
Gabby's birthday party...
More packing...
4th of July we went to the Cedar parade, then lunch then a movie with Kyra's wonderful aid Mrs. B whom we will miss so much she's been the best!! seriously I worry if Kyra will get as compassionate of an aid in the future!! seriously that's how amazing she was!... then off to Enoch 4th of july festivities, it was great they had a mud volleyball tournament, and it was a ton of fun :) then of course fireworks..
and to top it off with EVEN more packing... I think were just about done.. I'm gonna move everything into the living room to make sure everything is gone out of the rooms.. things can hide easily :P

anyhoo so that is whats going on for now..
Ill try to message soon ..

I hope you enjoy the video..
Kisses and huggs :)


****don't forget to comment and subscribe****

Monday, June 23, 2008

Camping and boys

Hey there,
OK so we did end up going camping which was fun! Yeahhh...

Just to Clarify.. Kyra and I had our blankies and Steven and his son had their own blankies so its not as dirty as you think!! LOL it was a fun getting to know each other camping experience!!

Who knows what the future may bring??

Love ya

Mary Ellen

****don't forget to subscribe and comment****

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Dance FUN

hey everyuone :)
the dance was great last night :) meet a guy it was fun :) thats all im gonna say!! Im pooped and I gotta go to work *sigh*

Love ya

Mary Ellen

****don't forget to subscribe and comment****

Friday, June 20, 2008

Moving thoughts ???

OK guys I am excited and nervous about going to school again , I had a great year off since graduation, but its time to get moving on my career!!

Kyra joins our blog again today, to talk about our pending move in Sept.

Love ya

Mary Ellen

****don't forget to subscribe and comment****

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Computer Whhhooaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhs

Hey there everyone :)
SO I got a new computer and it is not what I hoped.. it has advantages and disadvantages .. hey the clicking has gone away but the cam makes my head green!! mabee its an Aura thing ?? LOL

anyhoo :)

Comment positive happy things cause I cant handle any more frustrations today LOL :P grrrr...

Love ya

Mary Ellen

****don't forget to subscribe and comment****

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Utah Summer Games

OK so yes.. I know I haven't posted in a while.. Ive been a busy chic :P

I hope you enjoy the blog today :)
we went to Utah Summer games which is fun :) worked n the garden, there is some video of the fireworks and also the girls thinking they are funny wearing my pants :P

Kisses and huggs :)

Mary Ellen

****don't forget to subscribe and comment****

Remember if it gives you a video thingy insead of the blog give it 5-10 mins and it will be up and running soon :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


me working with ,my client at quiznos, I was trying to ween myself off of him, since I was moving.
Sorry I didnt post this till now .. I had it finished right after I made it I just didnt post it till know cause I didnt have internet available lOL

DOnt forget Subscribe and comment

Monday, June 9, 2008

Friendship Work and SUNSHINE!!

Hey Everyone,
This whole thing with me and my friend is really making me sad :( I wish my friend would realize I just love her and would love to work with her!! :P and Im NOT trying to steal her job... *ahhh*

On a happier note I loved the gorgeous day today, beautiful sunshine, and warm weather!! Kyra and I swam and enjoyed the day playing board games till sunset :)

woo hoo
What do you do one warm days? HUH ???

Kisses and smooches :)

Mary Ellen

*****Please comment and subscribe :) *****


Remember if it gives you a video thingy insead of the blog give it 5-10 mins and it will be up and running soon :)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

LOooooooooooong Weekend!!

Here everyone :) its me Mary again,
Geez we had a long weekend :) it was a fun one though!!
Sex and the city was a good movie and so was Indiana Jones :)

Kisses and huggs see you tomorrow!!!

Mary Ellen

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Kyra's dad and his wife

Ok many of you know about the situation between me and Kyra's dad. if you do skip to 3:30 to hear the letter I have sent to him... If you dont know the story then go ahead and listen...



Jun 4, 2008 9:14 AM


cute picture


Cute family picture there Sean :),
makes me think of what could have been with you and Kyra.

I want to talk to you .. just you... no lawyers, no claws drawn out aka your wife.. just you...
speaking of her...your wife needs to stop stalking me online its really starting to make me mad. I don't know what her point is but seriously its gotta end.

I am sorry that you may be hurt that I am terminating your rights and I can understand that, but could you also understand my position too? I have bee a wonderful mother for YEARS to Kyra, and you make false accusations about me and my daughter and it did not make us break but it made our relationship stronger, and showed that you can be a unscrupulous person, and would stop at nothing to hurt me... at the expense of Kyra. I love Kyra way too much to let that happen to her.
I really wanted you relationship with Kyra to work, heck I pushed most of your encounters to happen, and did everything in my power to allow your relationship to happen without me interfering, but your wife is a very cruel woman, and turned my weaknesses into my pain. I do not know why she loathes me the way she does. and hurt me the way that she did.. I honestly thought she had become my friend.. only to learn she was setting me up to trap me in painful lies.

By cutting off rights you will no longer have to pay child support which I assumed would make you happy. but in fact your fighting that, I don't know why.. you ignored Kyra for 6 years.. why choose to want her NOW? When your rights are taken I would allow you to visit Kyra but ony to come down to cedar to see her and only with me there.I am so sad that it has to come to that, but to protect my daughter it must be that way.

She is happy and her therapies are doing well. You can see our video blog on my myspace page or on my you-tube channel. you will see she is very happy and that i really am a great mom!!
Sean I have nothing to hide, I am an honest trustworthy person that gives her all into everyone I meet and everything I have to everyone!! it is a shame you cannot see that.
Perhaps you may soften your heart as in Leviticus 19:18 "thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge"
I do not feel I have done any wrong doing to you, i have done all that I could to help you have a relationship with Kyra. I do forgive you for your cruel games you have played on me however.
With this letter I am letting all of my anger and pain in regards to you fall away. It is not the Christ like thing for me to do, to keep a hard grudge-filled heart.

I hope you can understand my position and why I am going through the legalities I am. I hope in time you may forgive and forget the feelings you have towards me.

Mary Ellen

PS Kyra still has her email if you wish to email her she is a great reader now and does not need my help with anything so you can be sure I wont pry into your business. it would just be nice for her to have some contact with you.

Ok so now that you've read the letter I felt it necessary to put it on my vlog because it shows the emotion and sorrow I feel in the letter.

I will keep you posted on the whole subject...

*don't forget Subscribe and comment*
you can visit me on either my myspace or my youtube channel

(dont forget if you see a little video camera instead of the video.. give it 5 minutes or so to process :) )

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Family Fun Fest 2008

I admit this is not a conventional blog, but its fun :) and it shows Kyra having fun at the Festival!!

Cedar's 17th and newest Festival!! Family fun fest!!

See you tomoroow guys :)

Mary Ellen

Monday, June 2, 2008


OY guys ImTIRED!! its 12:05 AM and we have been at the park ALL DAY!!! Cedar has added thier 17th festival and oyy is it a fun one!! ITs fun fun fun and games!! Bouncy houses $8 for all bouncing all week :P and games and chilli cook off today, and a Family Parade.. and the best part they top it off with a movie at the end of each day .... today was chitty chitty bang bang :) its was a great movie I cant believe Ive never seen it before.... and we meet some great people that im sure were going to make great friends :)
Well I will VLOG in the morning Im too POOPED to do it now :)

Kisses and Loves!!

Mary Ellen

Sunday, June 1, 2008


OK kids Im excited about possibly doing a blog with sponsers :) I hope Chris can look into it and let me know how well it works!!
I am so sick of Glinda's chewing of the clothing!!

Welll we are off to the library :)
thanks for watching :)
Mabee I'll open it up and let you guys give me suggestions of topics for us to research every day ?

*dont forget to comment and subscribe :)*

thanks :) see you tomorrow :)

Mary Ellen

Saturday, May 31, 2008

The new Doo

Hey Ya'll Sorry it has taken a few days to get a new blog up Ive been busy busy busy!!!

I hoed 5 rows of corn, and a LONG row of peas and cucumbers and IM BEAT!! my thighs havent hurt this much since I .. uhhh .. well. .....I..... Uhhhhh..... well lets keep this PG LOL hahahah
Spring has sprung and Im off to the Garage sales!! My fav's :)

see you tomorrow :) dont forget to subscribe and comment....

Kiss Kiss


ohh and isnt that a too cute pic of glinda!!

*anyone have any clue how to fix my sound problem I've been having laitly?*

Friday, May 23, 2008

Sleep Over and BOYS

This was a LONG blog mostly because Kyra had a sleepover and this is her and her 2 friends and they couldn't stay in the shot so had to keep stopping and editing LOL :P

I talk about the sleep over the girls plans for the summer and about a new guy I meet well kinda met actually I met him here on myspace so umm yeah LOL :P

there is a blooper real at the end thats pretty fun LOL

enjoy and don't forget to
subscribe and comment :)

Polygamists get thier kids back!!

there are few words to say how crazy it is that the children from the YFZ ranch are being put back in thier homes!!
this does break my normal blog but I have to adress it. Yes I am LDS and I am less than an hour from Colorado City SO YES THIS DOES SOMEWHAT AFFECT ME!! I cant believe the these children are going back to their parents!

*subscribe to my blog and dont forget to comment*

Im just without words!!!

Mary Ellen

Thursday, May 22, 2008

David Archuletta

hahah ok So I was in such a rush to finish this blog this morning that I forgot to plug in the mic.. so i had to redo it so here you go :)
it covers quite a bit: talking about Kyra's last day of school, David Archuletta not winning American idol :( (boo hoo) , what I did today state tax sales, struggles of being fat, you know life stuff....

please comment and subscribe :)

Mary Ellen

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Our Wicked trip Recap!!

here is our wicked Cali trip recap,
I have had alot of people ask how Cali went and I cant even type my excitment of the things I saw and People I meet!!
Watch and enjoy :)

Please subscribe an comment as always :)
love ya'll

Mary Ellen

Monday, May 19, 2008

Kyra joins the blog

Kyra joins the blog

Kyra had a good day at school so I told her she could do a blog with me.
All she wanted to talkabout was the trip. You can hear her crunching a candy in her teeth :P
3 more days till school is out :P

We also forgot to talk about us going to the water park today :) it was fun :)

I also talk about my job and the market.

thanks for listening
*****Comment and subscribe :) *****

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Blogs are back up!!!

hey everyone :) my blogs are back up with a new youtube account Yeahhh

I will now be posting daily so enjoy :)

Mary Ellen

Dont forget to comment and subscribe!!

ALOT of Wicked stuff!!! More about the trip!!

Hey everyone I am so excited to ge tthis blog back up and going :)
well first off I went to cali last week for what was supposed to be megan hilty's final show but she staed one more week but thats ok .. it was stil la great trip
here are some videos I took while on Vacation!!

on this last one just ignore the writing and enjoy the pictures from our vacation :P

I will write a full excitement blog all about the vaccation but right now I gotta go cause i have a meeting in an hour for work :)



Wednesday, April 30, 2008


My you tube account was suspended so ALL MY VIDEOS ARE GONE .. I am pleading with them to reinstate my account so bear with me for a bit I will let you know when they are back up :)



Sunday, April 27, 2008

I thought I was done with the hospital ??

its been a while since i posted. Kyra really wanted to be in the blog so she is :)
its a silly blog at first but bear with us :) its cute :P

dont forget to subscribe



Friday, April 18, 2008

I forgot the NEW dog

I forgot the NEW dog

I forgot to tell you since marie's passing Kyra was VERY upset every night and would cry herself to sleep so we got her a new baby... We were offered one of Marie's daughter to be bread so we could get a grandbaby... that is the only way we'd ever get another Jack Russell again.. cause its just Marie's breed. SO I was thinking to help Kyra It would be nice to get a Yellow lab but thier just so darn big and we are in a small Apt. SO I tossed the thought around for a bit... then We got a call by a friend of mine at the dog shelter and she told me she thinks she has the PERFECT dog for me... and she was ...

Her name is Galinda (yes after wicked. we ARE obsessed)

She's half Yellow Lab and half Boarder Collie. She looks like a "mini lab" she has the bone structure, color and head shape like a Yellow Lab... and has alittle longer hair like a Boarder Collie and nose freckles like a Collie... she's super cute... so we got a lab like we wanted.. but not huge so it wont cost $1000to feed :P

She learned commands very fast and took to me and Kyra well... She was scared of doorways and wouldnt get in the car at first but she's good about it now. she even comes to my whisle comands :)

the only downside is that she has a nervous condition of submissive urinating which I cant seem to fix.. and she CANT be left alone... She has serious separation anxiety!! she ripps the house APART if she is alone.. :(

Any suggestions on fixing it??

Mary Ellen

so many Dr's visits, life update

So many Dr’s visits Life update

OK so I know it has been forever since I bloged .. so sorry ...

lots has happened since my last blog...


first off I didnt get my house There were problems but they will be worked out soon and Ill retry and rebid on the house in a couple months.


Kyra and I are UNLUCKY with our health laitly!!

forst I fall off the horse (like a dumb ass) and re-injer my broken neck from when I was 18.. so I was stuck in a neck brace for passion convention... :(

then Kyra was racing a neighbor boy on his bike (she was running) and DUHH she lost... and biffed it... and got road burned her ear, and a black eye and sprained the thing between the clavical and shoulder :( soooo sad :( I know so she's all gimpy...

Meanwhile the same week I was feeling crppy so I went to my Dr's office and they drew blood and I found out I have a thyroid disease. :( and the medication they gave me is making me sick.... I guess my body needs to expell all the negative things its been collecting so lets just say I'm staying close to a potty :P Ewwww...

anyhoo the upside is Im supposed to loose alot of weight now that theyre getting it under control...


Kyra started Horse ridding lessons and she's loving it . I posted pictures of her lessons and its very cool :) she loves it (she has lessons every friday) and her teacher is really good :)


I had Passion Convention and it was SOOO Fun.. and I learned alot

however sadly I was medicated for my neck so I couldn't go out partying with everyone every night :( boo hoo.. I did end up going out on the last night with some f the girls from the leading ladies team and it was way fun :) we even got invited to go play in the VIP lounge Wooo hooo :) that was fun :P My first time EVER being a VIP :) that made me feel good ;)

anyhooo thats all for right now :)

I will try to get on the webcam again :) and put up a Vlog soon :)

Love you all


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

RIP marie!!! Marie Video

Here is a collection of pictures and video of Marie and Kyra I also put video I have of marie chasing her snowballs cause that was the last thing she did!!

I put it to music by Shoshana Bean "Home"

Monday, February 18, 2008

RIP Marie!! WE LOVE YOU!!!

RIP Marie We love you!! and will miss you!!

Kyra's therapy dog Marie passed away today by stroke she was only 2 years old and it was a freek thing that happened...

Shortly before she died (like 2 hours before) she was doing her favorite thing in the world catching snowballs :)

I SO miss her and Ive been crying all afternoon and evening.

Kyra is heart broken and upset but we took her to see Prince to make her feel better and it did for a while, now that its about bedtime and she's upset again.

We will miss her SO MUCH!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Im Combining here


Hey guys Im combining these blogs cause the videos dont work anymore, so its pointless to Separate them.. sadly I didnt write about much I jsut relied on the blog.. Im trying to fix that now days :)

Friday, January 18, 2008

you tube misshap.

Ok guys the Log I posted earlier was supposed to be posted on my wicked page and somehow I switched the vlogs for the different myspaces (my wicked got the karma and my personal got he wicked hahah)

so THIS is the vlog on Karma!!



(keep commenting :) )

Karma jobs and GIRLSCOUT COOKIES!!

This is short and sweet but Kyra and I have to run we have a Girlscout Cookie kickoff to get ready for!! the theme is take 5 so we have to dressup like movie stars she's so excited to wear my wig and put makeup on :)

dont forget to comment :)



Saturday, January 12, 2008

crying durring movies

OK so we just got through watching titanic it was so cute cause Kyra came in about the middle and I told her hey your gonna cry... she said "nahh uhhh" heheh Little did she know..

From the point the ship started going under She started.. then the capitan dorwns she bawled harder, then the people were falling off the ship(whenit went vertical) she bawled Even more they went under she SOBBED!! Then she let him go under the water SHE SOBBED LIKE A BABY!! here it is 10 mins afte the movie ended and she STILL SOBBING!! LMAO just saying short phrases like "why!" Thats so sad"

I had to blog it it was PRECIOUS!!


Thursday, January 10, 2008

I forgot to put this up

I forgot to put this up I made it like 3 days ago

and here is the pots and pans banging from new years

Mysister chrissy is the first one you see with the blower on the left then my niece winter next to her my brother in law standing off to the side not doing ANY new years festivities : then my mom on the left and kyra then little robby (and alittle bit of Marie the puppy :P )

I also have another one of them popping poppers but its mostly of my niece winter being a booger so I didnt put it up :P

I should be posting a new one today :)


Tuesday, January 01, 2008

my first VLOG!!! New years

I am so proud this is my first Vlog I was so anxcious to put it up that I didnt even put on make up LOL:P hehe

ANyhoo it talks about newyears eve and Eden leaving wicked and all kinds of fun stuff...

Please enjoy :) (and comment)
