Monday, June 23, 2008

Camping and boys

Hey there,
OK so we did end up going camping which was fun! Yeahhh...

Just to Clarify.. Kyra and I had our blankies and Steven and his son had their own blankies so its not as dirty as you think!! LOL it was a fun getting to know each other camping experience!!

Who knows what the future may bring??

Love ya

Mary Ellen

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Dance FUN

hey everyuone :)
the dance was great last night :) meet a guy it was fun :) thats all im gonna say!! Im pooped and I gotta go to work *sigh*

Love ya

Mary Ellen

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Friday, June 20, 2008

Moving thoughts ???

OK guys I am excited and nervous about going to school again , I had a great year off since graduation, but its time to get moving on my career!!

Kyra joins our blog again today, to talk about our pending move in Sept.

Love ya

Mary Ellen

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Computer Whhhooaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhs

Hey there everyone :)
SO I got a new computer and it is not what I hoped.. it has advantages and disadvantages .. hey the clicking has gone away but the cam makes my head green!! mabee its an Aura thing ?? LOL

anyhoo :)

Comment positive happy things cause I cant handle any more frustrations today LOL :P grrrr...

Love ya

Mary Ellen

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Utah Summer Games

OK so yes.. I know I haven't posted in a while.. Ive been a busy chic :P

I hope you enjoy the blog today :)
we went to Utah Summer games which is fun :) worked n the garden, there is some video of the fireworks and also the girls thinking they are funny wearing my pants :P

Kisses and huggs :)

Mary Ellen

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Remember if it gives you a video thingy insead of the blog give it 5-10 mins and it will be up and running soon :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


me working with ,my client at quiznos, I was trying to ween myself off of him, since I was moving.
Sorry I didnt post this till now .. I had it finished right after I made it I just didnt post it till know cause I didnt have internet available lOL

DOnt forget Subscribe and comment

Monday, June 9, 2008

Friendship Work and SUNSHINE!!

Hey Everyone,
This whole thing with me and my friend is really making me sad :( I wish my friend would realize I just love her and would love to work with her!! :P and Im NOT trying to steal her job... *ahhh*

On a happier note I loved the gorgeous day today, beautiful sunshine, and warm weather!! Kyra and I swam and enjoyed the day playing board games till sunset :)

woo hoo
What do you do one warm days? HUH ???

Kisses and smooches :)

Mary Ellen

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Remember if it gives you a video thingy insead of the blog give it 5-10 mins and it will be up and running soon :)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

LOooooooooooong Weekend!!

Here everyone :) its me Mary again,
Geez we had a long weekend :) it was a fun one though!!
Sex and the city was a good movie and so was Indiana Jones :)

Kisses and huggs see you tomorrow!!!

Mary Ellen

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Kyra's dad and his wife

Ok many of you know about the situation between me and Kyra's dad. if you do skip to 3:30 to hear the letter I have sent to him... If you dont know the story then go ahead and listen...



Jun 4, 2008 9:14 AM


cute picture


Cute family picture there Sean :),
makes me think of what could have been with you and Kyra.

I want to talk to you .. just you... no lawyers, no claws drawn out aka your wife.. just you...
speaking of her...your wife needs to stop stalking me online its really starting to make me mad. I don't know what her point is but seriously its gotta end.

I am sorry that you may be hurt that I am terminating your rights and I can understand that, but could you also understand my position too? I have bee a wonderful mother for YEARS to Kyra, and you make false accusations about me and my daughter and it did not make us break but it made our relationship stronger, and showed that you can be a unscrupulous person, and would stop at nothing to hurt me... at the expense of Kyra. I love Kyra way too much to let that happen to her.
I really wanted you relationship with Kyra to work, heck I pushed most of your encounters to happen, and did everything in my power to allow your relationship to happen without me interfering, but your wife is a very cruel woman, and turned my weaknesses into my pain. I do not know why she loathes me the way she does. and hurt me the way that she did.. I honestly thought she had become my friend.. only to learn she was setting me up to trap me in painful lies.

By cutting off rights you will no longer have to pay child support which I assumed would make you happy. but in fact your fighting that, I don't know why.. you ignored Kyra for 6 years.. why choose to want her NOW? When your rights are taken I would allow you to visit Kyra but ony to come down to cedar to see her and only with me there.I am so sad that it has to come to that, but to protect my daughter it must be that way.

She is happy and her therapies are doing well. You can see our video blog on my myspace page or on my you-tube channel. you will see she is very happy and that i really am a great mom!!
Sean I have nothing to hide, I am an honest trustworthy person that gives her all into everyone I meet and everything I have to everyone!! it is a shame you cannot see that.
Perhaps you may soften your heart as in Leviticus 19:18 "thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge"
I do not feel I have done any wrong doing to you, i have done all that I could to help you have a relationship with Kyra. I do forgive you for your cruel games you have played on me however.
With this letter I am letting all of my anger and pain in regards to you fall away. It is not the Christ like thing for me to do, to keep a hard grudge-filled heart.

I hope you can understand my position and why I am going through the legalities I am. I hope in time you may forgive and forget the feelings you have towards me.

Mary Ellen

PS Kyra still has her email if you wish to email her she is a great reader now and does not need my help with anything so you can be sure I wont pry into your business. it would just be nice for her to have some contact with you.

Ok so now that you've read the letter I felt it necessary to put it on my vlog because it shows the emotion and sorrow I feel in the letter.

I will keep you posted on the whole subject...

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you can visit me on either my myspace or my youtube channel

(dont forget if you see a little video camera instead of the video.. give it 5 minutes or so to process :) )

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Family Fun Fest 2008

I admit this is not a conventional blog, but its fun :) and it shows Kyra having fun at the Festival!!

Cedar's 17th and newest Festival!! Family fun fest!!

See you tomoroow guys :)

Mary Ellen

Monday, June 2, 2008


OY guys ImTIRED!! its 12:05 AM and we have been at the park ALL DAY!!! Cedar has added thier 17th festival and oyy is it a fun one!! ITs fun fun fun and games!! Bouncy houses $8 for all bouncing all week :P and games and chilli cook off today, and a Family Parade.. and the best part they top it off with a movie at the end of each day .... today was chitty chitty bang bang :) its was a great movie I cant believe Ive never seen it before.... and we meet some great people that im sure were going to make great friends :)
Well I will VLOG in the morning Im too POOPED to do it now :)

Kisses and Loves!!

Mary Ellen

Sunday, June 1, 2008


OK kids Im excited about possibly doing a blog with sponsers :) I hope Chris can look into it and let me know how well it works!!
I am so sick of Glinda's chewing of the clothing!!

Welll we are off to the library :)
thanks for watching :)
Mabee I'll open it up and let you guys give me suggestions of topics for us to research every day ?

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thanks :) see you tomorrow :)

Mary Ellen