Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Secrets and Lies

Secrets and lies

It has come to my attention from an additional source that someone on my page is posing as a poor sad pregant girl and in reality is my daughter's fathers' skank ass wife Emily....

I hope you read this you looser!!

(the rest of you just get to listen and laugh at the patheticness of this woman.. hahahahah)

First off I knew it was you :P let me count the ways:

1 -your pictures on your page: seriously blue is NOT the u of u's color's you moron!! its RED!! your wearing a BLUE gown!! if you wear blue at the U they BEAT YOU UP!! hahahah and HELLO the U doesnt have comendsment speeches in little banquet rooms HAHAH

2 Hello you couldnt tell me where you were going to graduate school... and if you were.... Utah has NO ASSECT approved program here!! hahahha IDIOT!!

3 you moron I was your ONLY FRIEND!!

4 You divulged information about me that I never told you.... you used my weeknesses... stupid move cause THATS what tipped me off....

5 I knew it was you (or sean) by like the first week... because of said retarded comments

What do you REALLY feel you will GAIN from being my friend on myspace? EVERYONE KNOWS I'M AN OPEN BOOK!! I HAVE NO SECRETS and I HIDE NOTHING!!! ... My lawyer will be notified tomorrow and he will get the ISP in which your account was made thus connecting it to your computer... and will make you look like an ASS in court!!

If you've read carefully MY DAUGHTER IS MY LIFE!!!! I love her and wont do things just out of spite!! I do things to PROTECT HER and for her BEST interest!! You know ... youve been reading my blogs!!

If your REALLY smart dont bother even showing up you know as much as I do that your not gonna win shit cause your garbage to Kyra!! You know deep in your heart that what you have done to MY sweet little girl is WRONG!! you cant honestly think that she DESERVES the crap that you put her through last year!!! DONOT continue hurting her... her therapy is doing very well right now... dont disterb her life just to fuck it up again!!!! if you do than you truely are a CRUEL MONSTER!!

speeking of the slut.... you get her knocked up again so you can have more welfare money ? treat your children like cattle and heard them around when you cant even FEED THEM . USE and abuse the church that you dont even care about so that THEY can support them and you get some MYSTERIOUS damn disease that has been proven doctor after doctor that your FINE!!! just so you can wiggle out of child support .... thats a man right there!! (hahaha)

Why did I let you remain my friend on myspace for so long? .. simple I hide NOTHING... may the truth set you FREE!! I lie about nothing and everyone knows my word to be honesty!! you on the other hand have you and.. um ... you .... hahaha and the looser that lives in your basment like a creepy uncle LOL

I have evidence proving your ISP and we will link "her" to your Computer ....

hahaha your an IDIOT!!!


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Horse sense :P

Horse Sence :P

OK so we have been busy busy busy :)

We are jsust so greatful laitly... We were donated a therapy horse for Kyra, we were donated a Corral ;) (amazing!! cause their like GOLD here!!) I meet a great couple people that have been great in helping me with getting the place ready for the horse :)

I also found a great website for saddles and tack :) Kyra's getting this way cute saddle :)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

so cute huh ?

anyhoo hopelly we get the horse saturday :) if it doesnt snow us out again :P



Friday, December 7, 2007



yeahh so I mso freeking excited. we got snow last night :) yeahahhh

Kyra had a sleep over with her best friend Gabby last night... they went to sleep after me (i tried staying up with htem but I ended up going to bed at 11 :P .. and then they woke up Before 6am!! What were those little monkies thinking LOL :P Of coarse they got up got dressed and ran around outside to play in the snow :P then ran inside wet and cold haha Can we say Make me oatmeal to make me warm :)

Tonight we were going to go to the winter light parade (sundown cedar city tradition!!) but I think its canceled cause of the snow :( boo hoo... usually every year we go and its freezing cold we put on 3 layers of clothes scarfes hats blankets (heck even one year I had a hot water bottle LOL) and we snuggle with our hot chocolate and watch the parade. Cedar somehow gets a hold of the light parade from disneyland (how the heck do they work that? I dunno but its AWSOME)

We are also going to see the forgotten carols :) yehahhhhh

im so excited!! I went to go get tickets yesterday.. and it was sold out.. I called The conductor (my bud Bro. MAc) and begged him to find me some .. and he did YEAHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

yet again this a tradition... Ive gone to forgotten carols every year since 2004 :) (the year we moved to utah) and will always go every year :)

last night there was a ward christmas party.. that was fun :)

anyhooo theres my day :)

what are your traditions?
