Thursday, October 5, 2006

OK soooo Wierd!!!

October 05, 2006

OK soooo Wierd!!!

Does anyone but me find it weird I just spent a good hour on the phone with my ex's wife (kyra's step mother) just talking as if she was my best friend??

As if you care but we dicussed Kyra's visitation this weekend (which is where the call started) onto scrapbooking (and if you know me at all. thats BIG) and talking about random relationship crap.. (hello we have had sex with the same man, and both produced children by him what was I thinking on that one :P ) and the rest was just random crap.

Ohhh FYI.. Kyra's visiting her dad again this weekend (thus the phone call) , my friend Josh is taking her up there :) Im kinda glad cause I have st. george and Page AZ parties this weekend.. I love this whole, "im buzy this weekend, take her" thing I can do now :) yeah .. its so convenient having 2 parents around.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Graduation!! yeah!!!!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Graduation!! yeah!!!!

Yeah everyone :) im GRADUATING FINALLY.... BS in Psychology minor in Communications..

I graduate in the spring.. so I have to start filling out my graduation papwerwork, and looking at grad schools.. UGgg...I am looking at one out in Chicago.. its SO FAR AWAY! I wouldn't be anywhere near my family... well I'd be around my dad's family.. which is as good as strangers... I never remember ever visiting them. (though I did when I was like 4ish) ...

however Chris is like 2 hours away in Wisconsin.. which is a very good friend... (and ex fiance :P) so I guess I have a friend and "family".. but its not the same as here in utah.. where my sisters are so close to me.. My mom is so close to me.. so is my dad, but he doesnt really count, cause he doesnt see me, unless it is for "have to" my wedding...cause it was at his house...

I really want to enrich that relationship with him.. I have tried.. but its kind of a pointless thing. he doesnt care, and it does nothng for him.. which upsets me...

anyway I digress...

I also have a program in san bernardino (where I grew up) that I am interested in.. then again... it would be EXPENSIVE... and I moved from CA because of the violence.. but HELLO my other option is CHICAGO....

I dotn know what Im gonna do...

what do you think?


Graduation!! yeah!!!!

Graduation!! yeah!!!!

Yeah everyone :) im GRADUATING FINALLY.... BS in Psychology minor in Communications..

I graduate in the spring.. so I have to start filling out my graduation papwerwork, and looking at grad schools.. ....

I dont know what Im gonna do...

what do you think?


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Passion Parties Website

My new Passion website

Hey everyone,

You can now order products on my website.

tell me you saw it on my myspace and you'll get free shipping!!



Passion Parties Website

My new Passion website

Hey everyone,

You can now order products on my website.

tell me you saw it on my myspace and you'll get free shipping!!



Tuesday, September 5, 2006

What the HELL????

OK I'm mad.. a few things have happened this week I'll talk about but this first one is burning my chest out!!

#1 Kyra's dad.. the ass hole returns...

OK so if you all have been attentively reading my blogs you'll know Im trying to get Kyra's dad rekindled into her life...

I know he need some time to adjust to being her fathr blah blahb lbah (I dont really think so but everyone seems to think so) but Ok the man has bbe in her life for a month now and remaining to be an ass hole!! He is supposed to call her every tues night at 8:30 .. and not ONCE has he done it on time or at all period!!

tonight I called himto remind his moronic ass to call her, and he acted totally anoyed that he had to tak to her. ARG that pisses me off...

He tells her he went to Las vegas this weekend and he got home last night and that he's gonna call her back "sometime" this week... blah blah blah WTF!!!!! for those f you that dont know about the location of cedar city.. it is 2 hours north of Las vegas and 3 hours south of salt lake.. you must PASS THROUGH ONE TO GET TO THE OTHER! he came through HER CITY not ONCE but TWICE .. and didnt Fucking stop to see her!!!! What a dim shit..

And she knows that we are in the middle of vegas and salt lake because we drive it often .. and he TOLD HER.. and she even said to him why didn't you stop? he replied I dont know it was kinda late ..

If you had an astranged daughter, wouldnt you plan your travel to go through your DAUGHTERS TOWN at a decent hour so you could SEE HER!!! seeing as how its not like OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY!!!

Arg... I sent him a letter after I got off the phone with him.. I hung up on him I was so angry... this is what it said :

I have been very civil, and have bit my tongue but I can no longer sit back and have you break my daughter's heart.
She deserves a father that will talk to her any time she needs, not just on one night a week, for mabee 5-10 minutes!
which by the way you have never called on time... putting her schedule behind!!!
She deserves more than a sometimes father.. you claim your children need you.. well your daughter KYRA needs you just as much as they do. It shows a lack of compassion, a lack of concern, and lack of love for your daughter when you DRIVE THROUGH OUR TOWN and dont stop in to see her!!!
If you spend all of your money you have to go to Las Vegas that is not mine or your daughter's fault. You should have thought that perhaps I shouldnt be the only on to pay for the trips to visit you!! and I covered the cost to salt lake the first time, I came a day earlier so you could have one on one time with her, I took many pictures to commemorate your time with her... and you did nothing.. you didnt even so much as get her a dollar store toy!! I understand not having any money but common.. you could have gave her a stuffed animal from a garage sale for all she cared!!
It hurts me that I see my daughter hurt... It hurts her!! and she has tried to call you many times, she wants to talk to you and terra and all of her sisters and brothers! ... you wont even call back.
Quit hurting her and hurting her feelings..
she is your daughter.. ACT LIKE HER FATHER
After she saw you and the kids she was so excited to have a daddy. however her daddy is having fun and playing with her sisters and brothers every day, and she doesnt even get a hi ... its wrong sean.. and you know it!!
you tell me you have such conviction for your family, PROVE IT ... by being a father that you have never been to her!!
I will only talk to you when you need to be talked to. For instance if theres a trip to salt lake, I need help with getting there etc. from now on all costs to drive to salt lake will be shared or you wont see her. Im sorry I have to be harsh but you havent paid anything for her to see you, you need to help!
I am NOT sorry for blowing up today on the phone... you deserved to know that it is not right to treat your daughter that way.
and if you feel that not calling hurts me.. it doesn't.....IT HURTS HER.. do you REALLY want to hurt HER for OUR issues?
Heck Email her, I have a webcam, I can hook it up to her computer, and you could webcam back and fourth with her and her sisters, she needs you.. dont punish her for our issues sean.. its not right...
We need to push back the time you call her, if you still insist on only tues nights.. Kyra needs to be in bed by 8:30 and its just to late for her to be up, and waiting for the ohone to ring. Please call at 7:30.. so I have time to get her ready for bed after you get off the phone.
Please try to call her more than that. SHE NEEDS YOU!! DONT FAIL HER!!
How do you think I might have done it differently? to show him the upset and hurt he places on his daughter.. and at the same time showing him that she needs him to be there for her?

#2 mammogram update:

OK so I got the mamo done.. it showed nothing however they still will probably needle biopsy it because it hurts and its a palpable lump. My Dr. doesnt return to work till next week so I'll have to talk to her when she gets back. Uggg...

#3 School burn out so soon...

OK I dont know what the deal is but Im already 2 weeks into school and I am SOO ready to be DONE.. OY I already have a paper due tomorrow, and a test on friday!!

#4.. MEN OY .....

My favorite subject Penis's ok so Im trying to with hold from having sex again (sorry guys) and its really frustrating.. but I can hold out .. I've made it a whole year before I can do it again!! hopefully long enough to have a husband LOL YEAH .. I have gone 7 weeks with no sex YAHHOOOOO Ill keep strong this time!!

OK so a crazy random thing.. I had a seriously like wow dream last night about a classmate of mine.. I woke up in a flittery pitty patty heart beat.. and couldnt stop thinking about him all day!! I am so happy I see him tomorrow In class.. *pant pant* I hope I dont drool sitting next to him *sniff* note to self.. wear deodorant LOL

theres my rants for the week ...

Kisses all ..


Thursday, August 31, 2006

The breast sagga continues

the breast sagga continues
Current mood: nervous

OK so everyone remember last years drama with the breast??

(if you dont read about it) theres also a pic of the boob on my myspace :P


so I went to the DR's office today cause I have anothe lump.. I thought I only had one.. my Dr found another one.. so i have 2 new lumps that are most likely gonna have to be disected out of me again...

but first things first..

I have to have a mamogram done tomorrow (really quite soon dont you think?? that scares me)

not like Im not familiar with mamo's.. seing as how Im 25 and ive had 4 done.. and generally you dont get them till your 40ish...

wish me luck.. the saga continues...

Du du dummmm


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Kyra's dad
Current mood: hopeful

Ok so Kyra had a blast visiting her dad.. she more enjoyed being with her sisters and brothers.. she didnt really much care about her dad.. she was more focused on her 1 half brother 2 half sisters, and one boy and girl step siblings.

Her one sister Terra was her favortie sister.. according to Emily (her step mom) the girls were attached at the hip.

I took 4 rolls of film of all of them together.. so Im hoping they turn out well so I can scrap book a nice amount of the pictures.

she's going back up in 3 weeks so I hope it is gonna remain good times ;)


Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Sean (the ex) continued

Sean (the ex) continued
Current mood: optimistic

Ok so i have a party in salt lake in like 3 weekends, so i called my ex, and asked him if he'd like to see Kyra while Im up there. He said yes, and we had a decent conversation. He even talked with kyra for a good 15 mins.. and actually pretended to care!!!

I dont know whats gonna happen now...

Mabee this week he has thought about her and wants something to do with her???

Kyra's excited but Im hesitant...


Friday, August 4, 2006


OK let me start this week off with a WOW .. OK ..

brace yourselves this is a LONG story however it ends happily :) so bear with it.

OK so Monday I talked to my ex in court (this mind you was the FIRST TIME I had talked to him since June of 2000... 6 freeking years!!! when I was 5 months pregnant and he left me for a married woman..) We share a child.. how ever I have a daughter.. and he is an ass.. and showed it in court.

I somehow finagled his phone number out of him and asked him if our daughter could call him since he has not uttered one living breathing work to her ..

I got home from court and she called him.. this was their conversation (I heard it cause she was on speaker Phone):

Kyra: hi im kyra youre my daddy , my mom's making me mini mouse pan cakes do you like Minnie mouse pancakes"

JERK: NO.. (sounded bored, and annoyed)

Kyra: I love minnie mouse, we went to Disneyland this year for spring break, have you ever ben to Disneyland?

JERK : NO (still annoyed and sounding impatient)

Kyra: I went in the haunted house it was scary and fun and it stopped in the middle when we were on it....

JERK: Oh.. (sigh even MORE BORED )

Kyra: Ok heres my mom (she walked away UPSET!!!!)

AHHH how dare he that jerk that BUTTFACE THAT IDIOT.. HOW CAN HE TREAT MY DAUGHTER that way !!!!

OK so he basically said I still want nothing to do with her and cant we keep it as him not existing to her?

SO that was just freeking fantabulous!! .. then my dad calls and starts DEFENDING SEAN!!!! grr.. it instilled why I hate him .. anyway I digress...

SO the next day (the first) was my b-day.. which my mom is out of town, my sister is moving, and Im a looser and upset ver my ex thing on Monday.. so It wasnt a good b-day.. however my sister did try to make me feel better by baking me a cake and making me dinner :) ( thanks Chrissy) that made me feel better...

the next morning the police were at my apartment, arresting 3 people, taking 3 to juvi, and citing 15 people from the neighbor's house upstairs.. soo ugg.. no sleep that night..

and I got a sty in my eye from all the stress...

Thursday my hostess from Friday did bring me her guest list (first time ever filled totally out.. WITH 67 NAMES AND NUMBERS!!!! ) however.. I got a call from the DA telling me that my perpetrator (there was a rape in Dec) was being sentenced on Monday.. which "brightened my day" NOT .... And I also had to over night a tape for "the biggest looser" to one of the casting agents (I am in the 4th stage of being picked IM SO EXCITED!! Ill KEEP YOU POSTED ON THAT) Ohhhh and I got in a car accident 3 weeks ago.. and I found out today the chic didnt have insurance her husband canceled it on the 10th and the accident was on the 17th... GRR..... and I have LIABILITY ONLY !!!!! AHhhhhhhhhh


so I called everyone on the list on Thursday... and I got 2 booked parties YEAH.... before the party even happened... I saw it was turning brighter ;)

OK so I went through all 67 names and numbers....

then spent the rest of the evening cuddling in the covers with my daughter reading almost 50 books to her .. it was exhausting but oh so good and fun ... bonding with the young'n... ahhh :)


I had booked a play date for my daughter. with some lady I had meet on a yahoo group for playdates.. she was fun and fabulous...and our kids got along great then I told her about how awesome my job was.. she nearly flipped her wig when she found out I was a PP consultant... She was so excited... She apparently had parties every 2nd Tues. in CA with her friends... and loved it and misses it... and I told her about the opportunity to become a hostess and the need here for it.. and she jumped on it.. and she's gonna sign to be a consultant YEAH!!! (my day is LOOKING UP)

I called my hostess she was totally excited about the party... and it went perfect.. filled her little 350 sq ft apartment 15 people full. they were EVERYWHERE..

however at the smoke break we have VERY BORED COPS in cedar city.. and they stopped where 2 of the girls that were smoking... and in Utah the legal smoking age is 19.. and they were 18 ..

yeah that was fun... hahahah

ok so on to the toy demo.. went well..

Party sales were $700 and booked another 3 parties... so a total on 5 .. and Im a happy gal....

Damn this week nearly drove me to drink'n LOL my back hurts my knees hurt, my feet hurt.. heck my boobs hurt...

Dramatic week...

Im going to bed. Its 2 AM ...


Monday, April 17, 2006

Gross story BEWARE!!!

April 17, 2006

Yet another ER trip

Ok so whats with me and the ER.... GOD IM SICK OF BEING SICK....

Good freeking LORD... LOL

I have to tell this story cause its hillariously sad... and GROOSSSSS truely borderlines T M I .. but I have to tell the beginning...

OK so I was at my friends house we (her, her husband and Kyra) were going to Applebees... so as we were waiting for her to get ready.. and me and brian were sitting in the livingroom talking... and I was like I gotta go to the bathroom (he had diareah earlier) so I was giving himcrap like he gave it to me.. HAHA.. then he said he had to go too... (ahhhhh ow sweet we were bonding in our diareah LOL) so anyway ... I went to the bathroom and bled out so bad I had to go to the hospital.. long story short after many tests and a HUGE IV bruise.. anyway... so I have really bad coalitus... A disease that my grandmother had Ironically she is my name sake... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

OK I told you might have been TMI for you .. but it had to betold.. LOL HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA


Monday, April 3, 2006

HOLY CRAP MY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

April 03, 2006

Current mood: uncomfortable

Oh my gosh, so Monday I woke up, forgetting it was daylight savings, and I rushed my daughter out of bed, and went barreling through my newly clean clothes (I did the day before, just havent put them away yet.. FYI I suck at that) I put the laundry basket on my bed to sift through it easier AND DHOO MY HELLLLLLLLL PAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNI laaid on my bed thinking it would go away. I waited about 20 mins, and if anything it got worse as time went on. OH MY GOSH I WAS DYING.... It was darn well near the pain of child birth... on a scale of 1-10 it was a 25 ...

so finallly I give in and call my sister (who recently moved here from salt lake) telling her about it... she called 911.. and got perametics over.. and if any of you know my well.. Im almost always nude at my house.. so somehow I had my daughter help me get some panties and a shirt on LOL.. in case it was a total male crew... fortunatly for me it was a totally female crew..

They gave me happy happy drugs AKA morphine.... made it tone down to a 8-9 I was stilldying when they moved me onto the stretcher, oh my heck that hurt.

OK so i got to the hospital the EMT that was working on shift was really sweet.. sadly he had a ring (DAMNIT) but my RN was a BITCH... she was very rude

Anyway Im on good happy pills at home... HEHE

Im still in pain just not as badly...



Thursday, March 2, 2006

Guys.. OYyyyyy....

OK so seriously, guys are annoying me right now. I have like 3 guys that I'm very into... and I have a feeling they MIGHT be into me, not sure if thier just being nice or are really into me... however.. one problem... I DONT TELL THEM... Im afraid if screwing up our friendship.. uggg *sigh* ... however I have all 3 of them on my my space.. can you identify them ??


heres a hint.... 1/2 the men on my myspace are gay...


Im such a spazzz

Anyway back to the boys, I really want one of them, but he has NO CLUE AT ALL.. and I cant figure out how to make that transition, cause he does have some sort of "power" over me. Which could make it wierd... if he doesnt like me.

am I being dumb and just acting like a teanager drama queen or am I just being oh so passive agressive?


PS.. I found out today one of these guys no longer has a GF.. should I make the pounce ? or give him some recovery time ???

PSS if you think your one of the guys let me know if YOU are interested :) LOL :P

Tuesday, February 7, 2006


February 07, 2006


OK if you guys havent already hurd about my new job .. listen closely :)

It is SO AWSOME :)

I am a Consultant for passion parties :)

I get to have a great time telling parties of people about sex, intamacy,, and how to increase the passion in your love life :) I LOVE MAKING PEOPLE HAPPY :)

Go look at my

Come to a prty or even host one :) my first 3 host's will get a special prize :)

You get great free stuff :) more people that you think love going to these things :)
and if your too shy to come to a party, I can show you a catalog or something sometime :)

Let me know :)

you can email me and call me too if you want :)

Sunday, January 1, 2006


Current mood: smelly

OK, so i kinda went crazy and ate 5 whole BULBS of garlic (cause its YUMMY roasted yumm yumm yumm) anyway... and my friend woudn't come near me LOL
they couldnt take my breath so much that they stuck thier heads out of the car (in 9 degree weather no doubt)

AND THEN... it gave me stinky stinky gas.... SO DONT DO IT :)

(if that last one was TMI it was purely for informational "never do it" purposes)

Husband moving to town Ugggg.......

Husband moving to town Ugggg.......

OK so seriously, my soon to be ex husband is moving totown.. he mentioned he MAY move back, but yesterday he suddenly calls and says he's gonna need a ride from the buss drop off to his new appartment.. I was like "What are you TALKING ABOUT ?? " Im not upset about it... It was just sudden. Am very porud of him for getting an apartment on his own, and planning the move all on his own. He usually asks me for help at some point.. I guess I just kinda feel left out HAHA :)

anyway.. it will be wierd having him around again ...

FYI.. we are NOT getting back together.... we are keeping it "just friends"


Fat chicks and the OPEN discrimination

January 01, 2006

Fat chicks and the OPEN discrimination
Current mood: enraged

This article really cuts to my heart.. You all know im overweight and I see this on a daily basis .. this truely makes me feel more secure knowing that this information is known.... I know it is long, but it really shows MY side of life.. which sucks sometimes.. eventhough Im comfortable with my weight :)

Love you all ...


Marie Claire Investigation: Why America Hates Fat Women

For years, Americans have spoken out against racism, sexism, and homophobia, but it seems fat is the final frontier: the only thing it’s still acceptable to be openly prejudiced about. Employers pay overweight workers less, insurance companies deny health coverage, and some airlines won’t fly “extra-large” patrons unless they pay for two seats. Fat-bashing runs rampant, and it’s women who are bearing the brunt. But why is it OK to treat anyone who weighs more as less than human? Marie Claire investigates.

By Dana Hudepohl

Where Are Fat Women Feeling The Prejudice?

On Shopping Sprees
A Rice University study found that retail salesclerks do discriminate against obese shoppers. When 10 women wore a prosthesis that made them appear to be a size 22 instead of their normal size, they reported less eye contact, more rudeness, and overt hostility. The only time they faced less discrimination? When the clerks thought the women were trying to lose weight, since they were carrying a diet cola as opposed to an ice cream drink.

On The Job
Researchers at Memphis State University have found that employers are less likely to hire a fat person. And once she lands a job, she will face more discrimination: A recent study in the American Journal of Public Health found that fat women are paid 30 percent less than average-size women – and that’s on top of women already getting paid less than men.

At The Doctor
A Yale University study showed that family doctors and nurses, and even health professionals who specialize in treating obesity, have an anti-fat bias. The researchers also found that obese women often delay breast-cancer screenings, Pap smears, and gynecological exams – and 12 percent of women delay or cancel doctor’s appointments – due to weight concerns.

In Magazines
A recent issue of England’s Maxim magazine ran an article called “How To Pleasure A Fattie – And Live.” Instructions include: “Regularly check she isn’t having trouble breathing under her own weight. Afterward, towel yourself off and make her a snack.”

On A Date
According to a study at the University of Liverpool in England, a man photographed with a fat date is rated 22 percent more negatively (described as miserable, passive, depressed, weak, unattractive, and insecure) than when the same man is pictured with a thin woman by his side.

The Cult of Sweathogging
“Sweathogging,” a dating trend popular on college campuses from Minnesota to Maryland, involves a group of male buddies who head to the bars to zero in on fat girls, whom they call “pigs” or “hogs.” Their thinking: Fat women are so desperate, they guys will be able to score easy one-night stands. The bigger the target, the more “respect” the guys get from friends. “They don’t see fat people as people at all, but as the bottom of the barrel,” says Paul McAleer, creator of Big Fat Blog (, an online community that advances fat acceptance. One sweathogging frat rat reported to Cleveland Scene, a weekly newspaper, that he and his pals had created a $1400 pot. At the end of the year, the guy who’d scored with the fattest girl won. And we call these institutions of higher education?

The Bridget Jones Paradox
Renee Zellweger shot to fame playing the beloved everywoman. Yet, when she plumped up to play Bridget Jones, columnists mocked her physique. One high-fashion magazine (not Marie Claire) booker her for its cover then refused to run the “fat” photos, only to apologize afterward. Why do we obsess over Zellweger’s yo-yoing? In short, it makes us nervous. “There’s an idea that fatness is something we can change,” says Eric Oliver, author of Fat Politics: The Real Story Behind America’s Obesity Epidemic.” But evidence suggests our bodies hover within a particular, genetically predetermined range.

The “Cute” Fat Suit
Hollywood trots out the fat suit for laughs at least once a year. Monica donned it on Friends, Gwyneth shimmied into it for Shallow Hal, and recently, supermodel Tyra Banks packed on 350 pounds of fat suit on her self-titled talk show. Her goal? To discover how obese people are treated. “Within 10 seconds, a trio of people looked at me … and started pointing and laughing in my face,” she told the AP. Banks, for one, was convinced: Obesity “seemed like the last form of open discrimination,” she said. However, not all fat people appreciated Banks’ efforts to further their cause. “If you wear a fat suit, you don’t know how fat people are treated. You know how people in fat suits are treated,” read one post on in reaction to the stunt. “I wonder whether people will accept her report of ‘how fat people are treated.’ She’s not truly fat; she just plays one on TV!” countered another. But the awareness itself is a start, says Paul Campos, a law professor at the University of Colorado and author of The Obesity Myth. “Hollywood in the 1930s focused on the black face,” he says. “The popularity of the fat suit is proof that Americans are starting to realize there’s something deeply problematic with our obsession with weight.”

Fat For Fun And Profit?
In 2004, NBC launched The Biggest Loser, bringing obesity into the reality-TV spotlight, as overweight contestants competed to drop pounds. The ratings were so high – 9.9 million people tuned in to the premiere – that a second season was quickly green-lighted. “Viewers haven’t seen characters like this before,” one of the executive producers has said. “We went for the heart,” added another. Or was it the gut – and belly laughs at the characters’ expense? “When fat people appear on the screen at all, we’re not the hero,
we’re not the romantic lead; we’re the joke or sidekick,” says Marilyn Wann, a civil-rights activist and author of Fat!So? “People ‘learn’ that that’s OK.”

Fat Stats You Need To Know: Recent Studies Reveal Harsh Realities

3% of the major female characters on TV were obese, compared to one in four real American women.

Seven times as many women as men have had gastric-bypass surgery, although woman are only an eighth more likely to be obese.

One third of the women on television are dangerously underweight.

Fat women on TV are twice as likely to be the target of jokes and are less likely to interact with romantic partners or display physical affection.

24% of nurses have said they are repulsed by obese people.

Parents provide less college support for their overweight children than their thin children.

28% of teachers in a Yale University survey said yes when asked whether becoming obese was one of the worst things that could happen to a person.

What YOU Can Do
The biggest reason fat people are still targets of prejudice is that Americans are taught to believe that being overweight is purely lack of discipline. You can change that. Speak up: Say something the next time you witness something that reinforces fat prejudice – be it a joke, an advertisement, or anything else. When a sportswear store in Los Angeles ran an offensive billboard, a concerned citizen contacted the International Size Acceptance Association. “We posted a picture on our Web page, and the billboard was down in three days,” says Allen Steadham, the organization’s founder and director. “Where you get the most mobilization is from the average person.”

The Anti-Fat Backlash
Here, how the overweight are getting seen – and heard

The Fat Action Troupe AllStar Spirit Squad is a group of fat cheerleaders who cheer, dance, laugh, and have fun – all while getting across a message of loving your body and fighting body-image prejudice. (

Padded Lilies
A troupe of fat synchronized swimmers promoting a message of body acceptance, fat empowerment, and fitness at any size. (

Big Burlesque
Known as The Original Fat-Bottomed Revue, this group of fat artists and activists performs around the country to show the sexy side of fat. (

Targeting Children: A Fat Report Card?
Everyone knows a fat kid who was teased in school; Bill Clinton and Isaac Mizrahi were two. Now, new laws passed in Arkansas and Texas (and proposed in New York and Georgia) require schools to print a child’s weight on his or her report card. By doing that, says Campos, “[You’re telling a 10-year-old girl] that the most important thing about her is not whether she’s doing well in science, math, or history, but whether she can conform to a repressive body ideal.”

A Pregnant Pause?
So deep is our fear of being perceived as fat, even weight gained naturally during pregnancy is contentious. Now, the nine months when we should be celebrating our curves can become the battle of the bulge. Scared of packing on too many pounds, some expecting moms exercise so often they endanger their babies. “The fear of weight gain during pregnancy is rampant,” says Saguy. “People might not say anything about what a great mother you are, but if they see you’ve lost your pregnancy weight quickly, that draws compliments.” Hollywood doesn’t help: Images of celebrity moms further distort the idea of how quickly baby weight should be shed. “As an actress, your job is your body, and you can put in eight hours a day into looking a certain way,” says Sandy Shaffer, president of the New York City chapter of NAAFA, the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance. “This is not reality.”

Fat Chance!
Even though the overweight and obese outnumber thin Americans, our courts do little to cushion them from prejudice. No federal laws prohibit discrimination against obese people. In fact, only laws in a handful of places around the country – those below – make it illegal to discriminate based on appearance at all:

San Francisco, CA
Santa Cruz, CA
Washington, D.C.

Can Women Ever Win?
Fat prejudice is rampant, but thin prejudice occurs, too, as a new lawsuit by actress Kate Hudson brings to light. She’s suing tabloids for publishing photos that she says make her look dangerously thin, a state that she claims could endanger her chance of scoring future movie roles.

Poll: Are You Prejudiced Against Fat People?
Maybe more than you think, according to nearly 400 readers on

68% would like to see a fat person on the cover of a magazine
73% would rather earn 20% less in salary than gain 20 pounds
57% say fat people shouldn’t have to pay for two airplane tickets if they’re too big for the seat
77% have seen a fat girl walk by with an average weight guy and thought, How’d she get him?
52% would go to an obese doctor, but only 13% would see an obese personal trainer
73% have been secretly disgusted when they saw a fat person eating junk food
71% have been secretly satisfied when someone they don’t like gained weight

When given a list of adjectives and asked to choose which described overweight people, respondents said undisciplined, unhappy, and lazy, but sensual, intelligent, and funny also made the cut.

I wonder how many of you, have done any of the things listed in this article.. to ME...the fat chick, cute and fun none the less, FAT

If you have I forgive you, just dont do it anymore..

Please send this fat acceptance letter to all you know and sign below, saying you wont talk smack about fat chicks....

- Mary Ellen -

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